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bloody hell

Bloody hell. I had a good time earlier this afternoon. We wandered up the mountainside a short way- only as far as the irrigation channel- but, and this, unfortunately has been rare this winter, the weather was so incredibly clear that we could see the...

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baijiu is bad

Happy Year of the Dog! Spring Festival here passed pretty much as per normal. A big meal, plenty of jiaozi, more baijiu than is generally healthy (but not too much), fireworks, one of which blew my hand up, then in the following few days, visiting relatives,...

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from the village

So now I’m the proud owner of an 爱国者 DC-V60 digital camera. Well, it’s giving me a bit of trouble at the moment, but I’m sure that’ll be sorted out when I get used to its little quirks and figure out how to use it properly. The two biggest problems, one...

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À Tianjin, pas loin de mon lycée, il y a un restaurant qui s’appelle 百饺园 (le jardin de cent jiaozi (dumplings)). Hier, nous, les profs é trangers, voulaient f ê ter le fin du semestre, et, car nous aimons tous ce restaurant , nous y est all é . MAIS..........

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Ahhh, Yanqing, where you can see your breath inside and if there were a fridge, I’d put my beers inside to stop them freezing. Well, the bit about the beers is a bit of an exaggeration. Let’s just say that even though the crate is inside the house, the...

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Grâce à l’ aide d’un computer whizz anglais, j’ai finalement trouv é tout les accents don t j’ai besoin. Maintenant je peux é crire vraiment en français. 真他妈的麻烦的一个天 . Aujourd’hui il n’y avait plus d’ é lecticit é au dortoir des profs é trangers. Et parce...

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我介绍我自己: 我叫 Chris , 我是新西兰人。 我在新西兰奥塔哥大学学了法语和法国的文学。我住中国差不多六年。 我现在在天津的一个高中教英语。但是我想回北京。 Il me semble que je peux ecrire en francais, mais sans aucun accent, sauf le grave. J’ai cherche, ma is je n’ai pas trouve l’aigu, le cedilla, das Umlaut, etc. Mon ordinateur...

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So now that I have a blog on a French service, I suppose I should figure out how to make my Chinese computer type French. English and Chinese it can manage just fine, but, although most of the appropriate accents appear on the keyboard, I have yet to...

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So I apologise for the lack of French in an otherwise Francophone part of the internet. I need a back-up for my regular blog, www.livejournal.com/users/chriswaugh_bj/, which is not always accessible from where I am. I'll get things sorted out as soon...

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