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我介绍我自己: 我叫 Chris , 我是新西兰人。 我在新西兰奥塔哥大学学了法语和法国的文学。我住中国差不多六年。 我现在在天津的一个高中教英语。但是我想回北京。 Il me semble que je peux ecrire en francais, mais sans aucun accent, sauf le grave. J’ai cherche, ma is je n’ai pas trouve l’aigu, le cedilla, das Umlaut, etc. Mon ordinateur...

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So now that I have a blog on a French service, I suppose I should figure out how to make my Chinese computer type French. English and Chinese it can manage just fine, but, although most of the appropriate accents appear on the keyboard, I have yet to...

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So I apologise for the lack of French in an otherwise Francophone part of the internet. I need a back-up for my regular blog, www.livejournal.com/users/chriswaugh_bj/, which is not always accessible from where I am. I'll get things sorted out as soon...

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